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To get feedback and approval on my presentations, I sent emails to Mrs. Boutilier, my Capstone teacher, Mrs. Rubelmann, my school counselor, and Mrs. Zamorski, my ECE English teacher, all who I felt were knowledgeable enough on my topic to give proper input.

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Mrs. Rubelmann added input directly onto the presentation as well. The highlighted text was added after the feedback was received.

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Presentation 1: What is Gender?

The first presentation was mainly introductory. Covering the main topics of what gender, gender identity, expression, and pronouns are, "What is Gender?" provided necessary knowledge of the subject.

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Giving Presentation 1

Presentation 1 was given in Block 2 on January 21, 2022, in Blocks 1 and 3 on January 24, 2022, and in Block 4 on February 08, 2022 to the 12th grade English classes.

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Feedback from Mrs. Zamorski on giving the presentation on January 21st and February 8th.

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Survey Results

Results from pre-and-post surveys on knowledge of trans issues. Scores went up by an average of 1.4 points after viewing the presentation.

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Student Feedback

Students were also encouraged to give feedback, which was received anonymously through the surveys.

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Communications 2

I consulted Mrs. Zamorski in-person on how to properly address the sensitive content of medical transition. The picture below is an email conversation regarding the final version of a slide regarding surgery.

Feedback on Presentation 2 email Zamorski.PNG
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Presentation 2: What is Transitioning?

The second presentation offered an in-depth look at the social, medical, and legal processes of transitioning, misconceptions about transitioning, and the barriers to transitioning.

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Trans Day of Visibility Library Display

Up from March 28 to May 16, 2022

In the spring, I expanded my project with a new undertaking. Inspired by the displays I had seen for Black History Month and Women's History Month, I made my own display for Transgender Day of Visibility to be on display for two weeks surrounding the day (March 31) in the school library.  I recreated the trans flag out of construction paper and handmade all of the letters on the sign. I put out all of the books the library had to offer on the trans experience. Because the library's selection was slim, I purchased some books and donated them to the library.

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Here is a transcript of an announcement I made for March 31, 2022's morning announcements regarding the display.

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An email discussion with Mrs. Zamorski on the announcement planned for March 31.

Email communication with Mrs Zamorski 2022-03-30.PNG
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An email from Mrs. Zamorski informing me that a student had checked out a book that I donated from April 21, 2022.

Zamorski book email.PNG
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©2021 Michelle Raphael

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